Take over of Neuform propeller line
Brand Neuform proppellers persists

Due to the Neuform Composites GmbH & Co. KG‘s termination of business, Breezer Aircraft has taken over their propeller line. This takeover primarily helps Breezer Aircraft to avoid additional costs for the certification of further propellers for the UL and especially concerning the LSA, as well as it helps to avoid inevitable delays in production. In addition to this, the quality and the performance of Neuform Propeller have always been appreciated and it is our intention to keep up the quality seal „Made in Germany“.
The brand Neuform Propeller will remain an independent brand as it has been up to now. It is our utmost commitment to maintain the same quality and reliability.
In order to preserve the know-how and the existing processes as well as the store of experience, we kept the staff members of the propeller production line. The production plant and the whole equipment will remain at the former known site in Drensteinfurt. The section of final assembly as well as the shipping department are now located in Bredstedt. Likewise, we transferred the departments for invoicing, sales and services to our plant in Bredstedt.
You will find further information about our product on the web page www.neuform-propeller.de
You may send your enquiry to: info@neuform-propeller.de